Color Picker

Change your colors from your code

Change your color within your code

The built-in color selector allows you to quickly add or change any color in your code.

How does it work ?

Select your color and change it

Just double-click the hex color located in your code and open the color picker by clicking on the palette, you can then start dragging the desired color and it will be automatically updated in your code!

If you wish to return to the original color, simply close the color picker by clicking the “X” button.

How does it work ?

Live preview of your changes

It can be nice to see which is the best colour to choose in its context! Wonderfully your main page will also be updated instantly, without delay. This feature is very powerful and will save you a lot of time in your color choices.

Files and Folders management

Customize your own palette

You can pre-customize the colors in your palette so you can quickly choose your pre-configured colors in your code without having to search for the exact color!


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